Wednesday, September 3, 2008

It's Time (ha ha) for Joe Klein and Steve Schmidt to Take This Outside

Joe Klein is pissed. I suppose with good reason. The McCain campaign has spent the past few days freaking out about the media's coverage of the whole Palin thing. And, they've decided that the best way to make the press fall in line is to shame them into it:

"So what's going on here? Two things. McCain is just plain angry at us. By the evidence presented in the utterly revealing Time interview, he's ballistic. This is a politician who needs to see himself as the man on the white horse, boldly traversing a muddy field...any intimations that he's gotten muddied in the process, or has decided to throw mud, are intolerable.

The second thing is more insidious: Steve Schmidt has decided, for tactical reasons, to slime the press. He wants the public to believe that there is an unfair--sexist (you gotta love it)--personal assault going on against Palin and her family. This is a smokescreen, intended to divert attention from the very real and responsible vetting that is taking place in the media--about the substance of Palin's record as mayor and governor."

I don't know if Joe Klein is actually reporting from St. Paul, but if he is; Schmidt better watch his back.

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