But, it wasn't all pointless. We learned that CNN has more money than God. That workspaces at both conventions were not without their charms. That people love Hillary and that bears probably don't like Sarah. That protesters can be universally obnoxious. That journalists really are impacted by inclement weather. That pirates live among us. That The Beach Boys are still alive. That swag isn't all it's cracked up to be. And, that malls named after America are really big.
A big shout-out to my three commenters and twenty readers. I've really enjoyed this and will remember you all when I become a rich and famous blogger.
Now, it's time to get the hell out of this partisan storm of wonks and political hacks and back to DC.
Peace Out.
Mary...can I just say Thank You for entertaining me through all of this...You're tops, kid!
awesome. found your blog through Fbook. good work. ive become a bit of a political junkie. look forward to reading what you got.
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